Friday, December 15, 2006

A Special Treat!

I just found this on youtube, hope you appreciate it.

Sam, don't say a word.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Seasons Greetings!!

Welcome to the Blog

First things first, i know this is a bit late, congratulations to Lauren and Nick on their wedding and also congratulations to Chris (grainy) on his engagement and forthcoming arrival!.

Sorry I missed the stag night, I keep checking casadellmule for photos/detailed analysis of events.

I've uploaded all the pictures from the last few weeks (the dark ages) so they are now viewable if you follow the link at the bottom of the page. The photos are mostly of Lauren and Nick's wedding but there are a few thrown in of us out celebrating our wedding anniversary, going to see our apartment being built and also of our god daughter Mia.

Watch out in particular for big Phil doing his trademark, finger through the fly, disco move (much appreciated ;-).


Keep watching for pics of my fancy dress work party and our trip to Prague.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Many Happy Returns!

No, I'm not talking about my recent Birthday (today actually), I'm fanfaring the new internet connection we have just received (three cheers for BT!!).

New exiting posts to follow.

As you can see, everyone's Delighted.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Apologies : (

Unfortunately my internet connection is provided by talktalk (need i say any more). I have been offline for a week now but you have my word normal service will resume shortly.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Download Picasa Here!!

More good news on the blog front. This site has started to generate a profit, yes thats right I am now sitting on a fortune of 1.36 US Dollars!!!!! This money has come from my advertisments but as of now I have a new money-spinner.

Picasa and the other Google products on this site give me money everytime someone downloads the free software from the links on my blog. I've not been this pleased with myself since I had a shed full of bathroom cabinets.

Click the icon on the right !
Google's picasa, Free Software>

Monday, October 02, 2006

Mr Mule Comes to Town

The Streets of Uxbridge bore witness to much merriment this weekend, as the historic town welcomed the arrival of Lord Mule, Noted orator of Shrigley, Defender of the Realm of Her Majesty and Kelly's Nightclub Goldcard Member. Mule arrived on saturday night and had a curry at ours before we went out. The evening followed the usual format, beer, wine, Jack Daniels and Alcopops; consumed on a tour of the local drinking houses. As the intoxication took hold we decided to go and meet Orla and co in Royales (the Uxbridge Kelly's) and after a chip naan and phone call to Grelmo (sorry!) we were all ready for bed. I did endeavour to take some photos of the evening on my phone but as is often the case with drunken nightclub photography the results are unpredictable. Heres the best one!

The Aftermath

We arose at dinnertime to fairly serious hangovers and after vowing never to set foot in Royales again decided to go into London and have lunch with Andy Callaghan. After lunch Orla and I wandered around doing a bit of shopping and ended up in London's best kept secret, The Cafe in the Crypt at St Martin in the Fields Church (Trafalgar Square).

A pleasant weekend dispite the Rain and a greater pleasure to see Mule doing some work for a change. Come and see us again anytime.

P. S. As I write this I have become aware that our blog is back on Google's listings. This is good news as for some time a google search for mattandorla returned no results. Happily now we are back out there with the likes of casadellmule and Bevanhill palace in the googlesphere.

Monday, September 25, 2006

At Last, Euphonium Stuff!!

I've now started what I hope is to be a comprehensive links section. The links I've included so far will, in time, be catalogued into sub-sections ie Soloist, ensemble etc. Any ideas for links will be gratefully received.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


A mattandorla blog three cheers go to my sister Claire and family for entering the world of blogging. Click below to find out about all the latest goings on in New Mills!

In other News, the noble residents of Marple Bridge were forced to take to the streets in protest after they felt their civil liberties had been infringed.

Visit Casadellmule for the full story.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good News!!

You can now see our entire collection on honeymoon photos by following the link below.



Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tate Modern

Last night orla and I had the pleasure of dining with orla's uncles Antony and Michael, and as this meant a trip to london I decided to go in early and spend the day exploring. My knolwlage of art being what it is (rather sketchy. Ha ha.) I thought a trip to the Tata Modern would do me the world of good.
After the walk from Southwark tube station (I managed to miss the stripy wall painting that's been in the news) I arrived at the front of the Tate and was pleased to discover that entry was free (£3 donation). My first instinct was to find the enormous, and much discussed, turbine hall. Fear of looking stupid stopped me from asking but in the end I came to the conclusion that the plant machinery in the hall was not a work of art but (if you'll excuse the pun again) an installation. Dissapointing.

We live and learn.

That aside I began to meander my way round the queues of people straining to see such spectacles as an up-turned urinal, which apparently was ground breaking (those present at the aquinas college ball may beg to differ).

Enough cheap gags

The sheer volume of works on display was actually very impressive and I was particularly inspired by the photographic works and the numerous Picasso paintings. The trip, to my delight, payed an instant dividend as I was able to comment on a Matisse print at Orla's uncles house that evening.

A good day's work.

Next time ill have to part with some more cash and see the Kandinsky exhibition (The path to Abstraction) but this was a healthy first attempt.


P.S. Here's a picture I took of the view from the Tate over the Thames with the Millenium bridge.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Happy Birthday Mum!!

This week my mum celebrates her birthday and Orla and I would like to publicly wish her many happy returns for Saturday. Here is a picture of my mum (and dad) looking resplendant at our wedding in July.
Hope to see you both soon!


p.s. there's a card in the post!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Night in T'pub

Posted by PicasaMy wife and I had the pleasure of visiting Manchester last weekend and inbetween the red wine of Casadellmule and a curry with my sister (and co) we had the pleasure of a night in the local with Hayley and Pete (pictured right and center). After several beers Pete and I got talking about his band, The Volantes, and the next day I found their website only to discover that I had been talking to Pete "The Legend" Lowrey.
Very enjoyable music, thankyou both for a great night out!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mule Has a Ladyfriend

Perhaps inspired by the love present at Shrigley Hall a couple of weeks ago (yes I mean you farrel), my good friend Mr Samuel O'toole (pictured left) has embarked upon the rocky road to romance. Having seen the young lady in question's resume (friends reunited) and contacted her referee (Eleanor Boyle) I can give nothing but my wholehearted approval. I would also like to mention that it is most refreshing to see again that kind of devotion and respect that has not been present on these shores since the duking stool was outlawed.
I am sure Mr O'toole will keep us posted regarding this matter on his blog (follow the link marked Mule World).

Matt Posted by Picasa

Heli Air Monaco

At the end of our holiday we arrived at Nice Airport in style! Posted by Picasa

Jet Skiing in Monte Carlo

This is us with the jet ski after an extremely fast ride off the coast of Monaco... Posted by Picasa

Britain's Next Top Model

This is a picture of me stood on top of the Musee de Oceanographique* in Monte Carlo. Its by far the best picture of me to come from our honeymoon!

*The management accepts no responsibility for the spelling of this word. Posted by Picasa