Monday, October 02, 2006

Mr Mule Comes to Town

The Streets of Uxbridge bore witness to much merriment this weekend, as the historic town welcomed the arrival of Lord Mule, Noted orator of Shrigley, Defender of the Realm of Her Majesty and Kelly's Nightclub Goldcard Member. Mule arrived on saturday night and had a curry at ours before we went out. The evening followed the usual format, beer, wine, Jack Daniels and Alcopops; consumed on a tour of the local drinking houses. As the intoxication took hold we decided to go and meet Orla and co in Royales (the Uxbridge Kelly's) and after a chip naan and phone call to Grelmo (sorry!) we were all ready for bed. I did endeavour to take some photos of the evening on my phone but as is often the case with drunken nightclub photography the results are unpredictable. Heres the best one!

The Aftermath

We arose at dinnertime to fairly serious hangovers and after vowing never to set foot in Royales again decided to go into London and have lunch with Andy Callaghan. After lunch Orla and I wandered around doing a bit of shopping and ended up in London's best kept secret, The Cafe in the Crypt at St Martin in the Fields Church (Trafalgar Square).

A pleasant weekend dispite the Rain and a greater pleasure to see Mule doing some work for a change. Come and see us again anytime.

P. S. As I write this I have become aware that our blog is back on Google's listings. This is good news as for some time a google search for mattandorla returned no results. Happily now we are back out there with the likes of casadellmule and Bevanhill palace in the googlesphere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi matt and orla

Enjoying looking at the Blog!!!!

Only one claire king !!