Saturday, September 09, 2006

Tate Modern

Last night orla and I had the pleasure of dining with orla's uncles Antony and Michael, and as this meant a trip to london I decided to go in early and spend the day exploring. My knolwlage of art being what it is (rather sketchy. Ha ha.) I thought a trip to the Tata Modern would do me the world of good.
After the walk from Southwark tube station (I managed to miss the stripy wall painting that's been in the news) I arrived at the front of the Tate and was pleased to discover that entry was free (£3 donation). My first instinct was to find the enormous, and much discussed, turbine hall. Fear of looking stupid stopped me from asking but in the end I came to the conclusion that the plant machinery in the hall was not a work of art but (if you'll excuse the pun again) an installation. Dissapointing.

We live and learn.

That aside I began to meander my way round the queues of people straining to see such spectacles as an up-turned urinal, which apparently was ground breaking (those present at the aquinas college ball may beg to differ).

Enough cheap gags

The sheer volume of works on display was actually very impressive and I was particularly inspired by the photographic works and the numerous Picasso paintings. The trip, to my delight, payed an instant dividend as I was able to comment on a Matisse print at Orla's uncles house that evening.

A good day's work.

Next time ill have to part with some more cash and see the Kandinsky exhibition (The path to Abstraction) but this was a healthy first attempt.


P.S. Here's a picture I took of the view from the Tate over the Thames with the Millenium bridge.

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