Thursday, March 15, 2007

"I take it as a compliment when gay men find me attractive"

No, not me, these are the words of Matt Bevan pictured above having his hair straightened...
Happy Birthday to Claire and Dad and Happy Mothers Day to Mum and Moira for Sunday.
We had a great time last weekend in Manchester. It was great to see everyone. Mia and Miasy have both grown up again! For Claires Birthday we went to Pizza Express and then for a few drinks in Wilmslow which was a really good night. We also went to have a look at our new apartment in Mossley with Orla's Mum and Dad.
We will be back up over Easter and then hopefully see Mum and Dad at the caravan in the next few weeks.
See you all soon,
Picaza Update: you may remember the picaza mis-spelling thing i did to lure people to this site, well I think I am proud to say that 38% of hits we are getting are due to that post. That means that earnings are now up to $1.51 and we have had hits from everywhere from Santiago, Chile to the People's Republic of China.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely kitchen !